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台灣紐巴倫股份有限公司成立於1993年,從事國際知名運動品牌New Balance之鞋、衣、襪、帽、袋產品之銷售,擁有廣大的品牌支持群眾,向來秉持『以高度的責任感打造一個運動員樂於穿著,員工樂於創造,社會樂於支持的國際品牌』為經營理念,整體營運穩定,獲利狀況良好,為一追求永續經營且各項制度健全之優質企業。
大瑞科技秉持技術創新精神,提供半導體、LED及太陽能產業高品質低成本之產品及服務。走過蓽路藍縷的草創階段,大瑞科技已經是全球BGA、CSP等高端IC封裝用錫球之領導廠商,終端應用產品包括CPU、繪圖晶片、DDR甚至手持行動裝置所需晶片。 2010年大瑞科技透過購併、組織擴編成立IC、LED及太陽能晶片封裝用之銲線材料事業部,不僅在高單價位金線外提供客戶低成本之替代性材料-銀線及銅線,也讓大瑞科技在原有高階IC封裝材料領域外跨入LED及太陽能等深具未來成長潛力的產業。 大瑞科技以一貫誠正信實之理念,提供全方位解決方案之服務精神,正逐步擴大封裝材料之市場版圖。 Profound Material Technology Co., Ltd. (PMTC) upholds the spirit of technological innovation and offers its services to Semiconductor, LED and Solar Energy Industry with high quality and low cost products. After go through the initial stage of production, PMTC has become one of the world’s largest solder balls supplier for BGA, CSP and other high-end IC packaging. Its application is the chips required in CPU, GPU, DDR and even hand-held mobile device. In Year 2010, through the acquisition, Profound Material Technology Co., Ltd. expands and organizes a new material division – alloy wire, which used in chip packaging of IC, LED and Solar Energy Industry. We provide an alternative low cost materials, silver wires and copper wires to replace the high cost material (gold wire). Thus, besides current high-end IC industry, Profound Material Technology Co. Ltd. has also get into the packaging materials territory in LED and Solar Energy, the future potential industry. With the philosophy of "honest is faithful"; and providing a comprehensive solutions service to customer, PMTC being gradually expanded its territory of packaging materials market.
20年汽車零件貿易商 We specialize in component of Alternator and Starter, and we have been exported experience over 20 year all over the world with good reputation. We also have more than 10 year experience to supply replacement parts for A/C compressor, Until 5 years ago, Our company was encourage by our customer and technical support . Then we decided to produce our own compressor , our company are importing high quality of key parts and our parts to build up our brand new compressor and remanufactured compressors.
Shan-Ling Industrial Co., Ltd. as founded in 1983, has been dedicating for the past two decades to the researching and production of valve balls, one of the major parts for the ball valves. In the early stage of operation, the company specialized in the production of valve balls, due to the reliable quality, its products of valve balls are well accepted by the local customers of valve manufacturers and have been exporting to many countries in the world. As we have successfully gained the recognition in the market on the stainless steel balls, we extend our expertise in developing new stainless steel pipe flanges. With the highest quality, advanced technology and exceptional service, we strike to be the leader in the industry. The flanges are manufactured in accordance with international standard specification (DIN. ANSI. JIS), material includes: 304, 304L, 316, 316L…or any other special material, available upon request. 山靈企業股份有限公司成立於1987年, 除了早期致力於專業得閥球製作外, 近年來更積極地朝白鐵鑄造得法蘭片領域前進, 無論在品質. 技術與服務上, 均備受業界之推崇與肯定。 本公司的法蘭片乃依據國際標準規範(DIN, ANSI, JIS)生產製作, 材質多採不鏽鋼304, 304L, 316, 316L…, 除上述之標準規格外, 亦可接受客戶指定之特殊尺寸。
Microtips Technology is a leading technical manufacturers offering display modules, board assembly, audio equipments… serving global suppliers of Human-Machine-Interface technology. Seeking out new concepts, designs and applications in the HMI industry, we connect suppliers of electronic technology with manufacturers, providing full support from concept through production of the finished product. Since 1990, display modules and OEM Products has built successful partnerships with some of the largest suppliers of HMI technology in the United States. Our ethics, reliability and dedication have earned the continued trust of our customers. Many of our world-class technology partners rely exclusively on us for services such as engineering, inventory management, customer service, new product development and marketing. Speed to market through excellent design support is our specialty. Our business partners value our extensive HMI knowledge. They count on our proven ability to orchestrate the design of innovative products and keep the process moving quickly to acceptance in todays highly competitive marketplace. We welcome the opportunity to create new business partnerships involving HMI technology. To explore the many products and services we can provide for your company, please contact us directly by phone or email!
PT. Intersys is the sole-holder company for IVIO® trademark in Indonesia. A company with strong base foundation as the leading provider of electronic products. Our mission is to become a company known as a leading electronics company who present new technologies to all its products through a strong commitment on quality products and after-sales service. Since its founding in 2002, PT. Intersys has become the leading company as the provider of the latest, most innovative and high technology electronic products. Since then, we have delevoped our products starts from LCD monitor goes to the other categories of electronic products such as: home theater, portable device, computer, home appliance, audio video dan telecommunication. Currently, we have cooperated with a lot of various large companies in Indonesia and the world in developing IVIO® product distribution channels. Whether through modern distribution channels, traditional, corporate and exhibition events in major cities throughout Indonesia as well. Supported with trusted yet reliable marketing and technical team, making PT. Intersys become one of the trusted company in distributing its products through all distribution channel.
Billiards is no longer a means of communication between the few. the unique charm of billiards has made the lives of many people more fulfilling and has also added more happiness and excitement to their lives. Doctor Cheng International Inc. has specially selected exquisite, world renown, brand name billiard products and invested time and effort in planning - from design, development, to production - to bring you a series of related everyday goods. This is so that the billiards lover in you can express caring and thoughtfulness through billiards. Let Dr. Cheng International Inc. help you send out your warm, caring thoughts and feelings. We sincerely hope to be of service to you. Due to your active participation, billiards will be represented in the 1998 Asian Olympics. Let Dr. Cheng International Inc. grow with you so that together, we may usher in the new era in billiards. Our growth can only happen with your support.
尼采寫道“When virtue has slept, you wake up feeling as new”,為了全新賦予“睡眠文化”這一個革命性具體的定義,“晁慶國際”創立了“SLEEP PASSWORD”這個新銳品牌,期能成為睡眠藝術高端市場的同義詞。 就「睡」的文化來說,我們定義“生活形式”就是著重身體和心靈一致的舒適和健康。照顧自己、寵愛自己、放鬆自己及舒適睡眠都讓我們獲得更好的感受。現在更勝以往,我們所做的每一個選擇,都為了讓人擁有舒適健康及身心的最佳平衡。 SLEEP PASSWORD瞭解“睡眠及放鬆”絕對是身心健康平衡的最基本要件。單單是睡眠還不夠,還要能夠睡得“深沈"。SLEEP PASSWORD的設計師透過全系列精心設計的睡眠系統,每一個細部都呈現其絕佳的搭配性,相輔相成。 尼采筆下“During the sleep process, man is performing in the real world”(透過睡眠,人類得以在現實的舞台上一展雄風),“SLEEP PASSWORD”以現代科學的方法和精神,就人體工學作考量,讓好的設計之於使用者在睡眠狀態的感受中開闢出一條紮實的路途,而所有的著墨期使產品不再只是單一物件僅只能服務單一受惠群眾或單一使用需求的局面,而是以探索根源來作更深入研究:我們體型為何?如何躺下?支撐性喜好為何?我們會如何變換睡姿?我們是瘦的?胖的?高的?矮的?我們在睡眠狀態中是靠邊睡?面朝上?面朝側?面朝下? 結合了這些身體不同的狀態及條件,“SLEEP PASSWORD”的產品就是這些睡眠問題下的研究產物。 歐美國家研發床墊技術已有百年以上的歷史,晁慶國際結合了一群具備20年以上歐洲進口床墊製造研發技術的頂尖人才,承襲著歐洲製床的技術,秉持著奉獻、服務的精神創造了睡眠密碼名床,這個品牌於台灣註冊行銷市場,SLEEP PASSWORD的技術團隊堅信採用頂級的內料、良好的品質、嚴格的品管、完善的售後服務來經營品牌! “SLEEP PASSWORD”堅持用最高的標準製造出最好的床墊,並不斷的研發創新的技術來領導潮流!我們採用了進口的最好內材,擁有最先進的技術,“100% Made in Taiwan”!讓每個消費者不用付出昂貴的代價!就可享受一張藝術品般的床墊,讓消費者擁有最舒適、最好的睡眠品質! ~SLEEP PASSWORD~沒有歐美大品牌公司的歷史,但SLEEP PASSWORD將在時間的考驗下改變床墊歷史,並且將…………創造歷史
JIING-DUEN ENT. CO., LTD. Hereby, we are pleased to present ourselves as an OEM Lighting Fixture Manufacturer in Taiwan with 100% exports, since 1990 . Jiing-Duen is specialized in coordination with overseas Customers and our Subcontract factory teams (over 150 makers) to develop Mouldings-Samples-Products in the field of Lightings –indoor & outdoor. Over 17 years expertise,Jiing-Duen is hornored to be a key OEM supplier member of the main European lighting brands; with our Core Competition Capability of: .Customer Design Solutions .Fixture and Parts Assembly .Fast and Efficient Prototype .Punctual Lead Time .Full-Service Manufacturing .Strict-Processing Quality Control In April 2008, we are expanding our production capacity and moving to new building of 2930 sq.meters to offer customers better and full-sided service. We want to be playing a good role in OEM Field and supporting the world-wide Customers in stable/reliable quality products and services. History: 1990 – Jiing-Duen founded 1991 – received 1st OEM order of Lightings & 1st factory expanding. 1994 – 2nd factory expanding 1999 – 3rd factory expanding 2008 – 4th factory expanding
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